The Value and Use
of Tablet Printing
Did you know that the tablets and capsules you usually take can be printed?
Printing on Oral Solid Dose products plays a variety of roles, such as preventing misuse and anti-counterfeiting.
This site will provide you with information about tablet/capsule printing and its benefits, and help you choose the right tablet/capsule printing for you.

First Time Tablet Printing
What methods are available for printing on tablets and capsules?
There are several printing methods, and we will tell you the features and benefits of each.
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Features of each printing
You can print on tablets in various ways. Each printing machine has its own characteristics, and the suitable dosage form is different.
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How to choose a printing machine
Now that you know the features of each printing machine, have you found the perfect printing machine for your needs?
Here, we will recommend the best printing method for your application
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Please provide more information about your project and the object to be printed and we will be happy to advise what is best.
It is very dangerous to look directly at the laser with your eyes.
Inside the machine, the laser is heavily shielded and interlocked to prevent it from leaking outside the device.
UV laser printing machines require regular maintenance of the cooling system for the laser oscillator and the air purifier.
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About this site
We provide new solutions for advanced pharmaceutical and health food manufacturers that enhance the value of their drugs and supplements.
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About the Operator, Qualicaps
We at Qualicaps aim to “contribute to people’s health” by providing the best products that they need.
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